

Scan-360 is a cost effective security radar that detects and tracks intruders over a large area. It detects humans and vehicles at up to 200m range over the full 360 degrees. On detection the radar automatically controls points a camera at the intruder and sends alarms to local recorders or remote control centres.

  • Up to 200m detection range (400m diameter)
  • Scans full 360° every second
  • Targets shown on map in real time
  • Programmable detection zones
  • Power over Ethernet (PoE)
  • Slew to cue with ONVIF CCTV cameras
  • Alarm integration to VMS systems
  • All weather operation
  • No hidden costs

The Scan-360 can automatically control up to four ONVIF CCTV cameras to point the cameras at the priority targets.

Installation and configuration is straightforward, using a simple web browser interface over the IP connection.

The Scan-360 radar is ideal for monitoring large areas with a single sensor.

The radar can scan beyond perimeters giving forewarning of potential threats, ideal for critical infrastructure, military and sensitive sites.

Scan-360 radars are used throughout the world to protect buildings, infrastructure, vehicles and people from nuisances like graffiti and vandalism, all the way up to organised crime, terrorism and sabotage.

  • Airports
  • Building Sites
  • Chemical & Industrial Plants
  • Communication Infrastructure
  • Rooftop intrusion detection
  • Military bases
  • Government facilities
  • Solar Farms
  • VIP, royalty and presidential security
  • Industrial estates
  • Data centres
  • Heritage sites
  • Sport grounds and stadium
  • Private estates and schools
  • Farms and agricultural land
 in action
Scan-360 radar operating in car compound.
One radar tracking two targets using two cameras.
Scan-360 radar tracking targets.
Scan-360 detecting boats on River Thames.
Video showing live radar data displays.

Azimuth is the horizontal angle around a fixed reference point, typically measured from 0 to 360 degrees.
Beam width
Beam width is a figure-of-merit used to compare antennas. Beam width is measured as the angle between the half-power (-3 dB) points referenced to the peak power on boresight (centre of beam).
Clutter refers to objects that cause unwanted reflections to be seen by radars. Grass, bushes, trees, water, parked cars, posts and buildings are all sources of clutter. High levels of clutter can cause performance issues with radar systems.
Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power. EIRP allow direct comparison between antennas with different beam widths by showing the hypothetical power that would need to be transmitted in all directions (isotropic) to have equivalent transmitted power.
Elevation is the vertical angle above or below fixed reference plane, typically measured from -90 to +90 degrees.
Continuous wave (CW) radars constantly transmit a signal, the opposite to pulsed radar. CW is ideal for short ranges. To measure target range without using pulses, the transmitted frequency is modulated (FM) hence FMCW relates to radar technology.
License exempt
License exempt means the equipment conforms to regulations that permit operation without the user first obtaining a license from the relevant radio regulation authority.
A radome is a protective plastic cover that allows microwaves to pass through but prevents water from entering, typically used to protect an antenna while still permitting it to function (unlike a metal cover)

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